Saturday, March 15, 2014


Name of FS Student: Jagonal, Cristine E.
Course: BSEDMATH                                                                        Year & Section: 3v1
Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School
Grade Level Observed: Grade 5

Your Tools

Name of the Author:
Gibilisco, Stan  and S. N. Burris and H. P. Sankappanavar
Name of Site:
Online-Ausg. ed.
Posting or Revision of Data:
McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-141650-4.  Springer, 1981
Organization Represented:
 A Course in Universal Algebra
Date of Access:
McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-141650-4.  Springer, 1981
Brief description of the material in the website:
 Materials used were appropriate and effective in obtaining the  learning outcome.
Evaluation of the website:
    It allows the students to interact with real life situation without danger, expense or difficulty often associated with real situations. The website has an easy access tool for learning.
   It provides the needs and interest of students.
 It will be only weak if there is no internet access and if the content of that website cannot provide the needs and interest of the students.
Name of Evaluator:
  Jagonal, Cristine E.

Your Reflections

Write your reflections on your experience.
  Before I give the topic or activities to be searched by students, I must ensure first that those topic and activities are consistent in my learning objectives. I must also give proper instruction to the students before they search such websites by explaining to them the learning goals to be achieved before searching any websites so that the students will stay focused during the activity. When students get confused, I must provide guidance and directions, guide questions and activities or scenarios. It is also important to have a follow up discussions to make some generalizations for that topic.

How did you find the task of surfing the net relevant in generating more information for your support materials to the topic?
  Using the internet as an information tool is good and effective. Upon surfing on the internet, I saw many websites that have programs to make learning fun and effective. Some of the websites have games and other has tutorial programs but aside from those benefits, internet access may also be dangerous to the learners. From the websites I visited, some of the learning is incorporated with violence games and pornographic photos and videos which are not good influence to the students. Using internet as an information tool is good and effective but proper supervision of the teacher is highly needed and before giving the topic or any activity to be searched, I must check first the websites and choose those that are safe for the students.


Imagine how schools located in communities without internet facilities cope with this need.
  It must be so hard if you; as a teacher usually surf the internet to provide the students with good information’s and relevant ones. If the school located in communities has no internet facilities then the teacher must be resourceful enough. The teacher can cope the problem by using alternative ones like reading books for further information’s, making visual aids instead of slide presentations and be interactive too to develop good leaders.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

LEARNING ACTIVITY 6: Slide Presentations

LEARNING ACTIVITY 6: Slide Presentations

Your Goal
         At the end of this activity; you will be competent in developing and using material
(Slide presentation) which involve students in meaningful learning activities’.

Your Tasks
                As a teacher, you are expected to create a student presentation of materials
that enhance instructions.

Your Tools
         Recall the slide presentation you made in you Ed Tech class. Give the important features of the slide by noting the following:

Title of Presentation: Polygons and Types of Polygons and Fractions
  •   Student will classify the kinds of polygons
  •  Student should differentiate the kinds of polygons according to the number of sides and angle
  • Student must identify polygons to its figures
  • Student will learn to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and not the same denominator
Subject Matter: Mathematics

Font Size                                       Graphics
Sound Effect                               Animation            
Voice Narration                            Background Music:

Make a story board of your presentation.



Based on the slide presentation you have made, what are the features of a good slide presentation?
   The features of a good slide presentation are the following:

  • Use layouts included in your software 
  • Include photos/pictures in your slides to let your audience know what you are talking about
  • Use the same theme for your whole presentation - too many themes is confusing
  • Use special transitions
  • Use links in your presentation 
  • Content should be understandable to anyone who reads it (you shouldn’t have to explain it to them)
  • Use colors that are contrasting but not jarring or distracting
  • If you use effects, transitions and animation try and make them relevant and consistent
  • Light background with dark font.
  • Avoid flashy color schemes.
  • It must be not so long.
  • Include transitions or effects in your slide to put emphasis on your point, but do not add too many.

How do you describe your slide presentation in terms of its good features?   

Instructional materials play a major role in full time distance for learning. It makes the discussion be more standardized and makes our lesson be more interesting. Such as presenting our lesson using the multi- media presentation. Some of the good features of using a slide presentation are the effectiveness of what you teach to your students. It is because students will be more interested to listen and it will not make your discussion boring to your class. On the part teacher, the good features of a slide presentation is that it helps the teacher less the burdens of bringing the visual aids, the length of the time required for discussion can be reduced. Instead of a large time discussing the lesson to their students, slide presentation helps lessen the time to transmit the information to the students, and lastly it is specific and creative because it gives specific information and attractive to the eyes of the students. 

My slide presentation is not so long and I also included some transitions to add effects. I also put pictures to emphasize my topic and used the same theme until the last slide.

The good features present in my slide presentation is that the effectiveness of our slide presentation to the students, it also helps us less the burdens of bringing the visual aids, the length of time required for discussion can be reduced and it is specific and creative. 


What difficulties have you encountered in preparing the slide presentation?

    The difficulties that I have encountered in preparing the slide presentation were the choosing of the right music for the slideshow that's why I didn't put any and also I'm having a hard time in editing the transitions between my slides.

-          In making a slide presentation the teacher should consider the learning process of the students, it should be unique and at the same time creative in a way that the students can understand what you have made. For me, there is no such thing as difficulties in making a slide presentation as long as you strive hard or take an effort in doing that thing. In presenting your slide presentation, the teacher should consider also the interest of the students so that they will listen attentively and can catch the attention of the students. In making a slide presentation it also helps the teacher summarize all of his/her discussion and the length of the time required for discussion can be lessened. Instead of making a visual aid it is better to make a slide presentation to have an effective and good interaction with the students.
As a future teacher, I will do my very best in doing a slide presentation and can come up with a good presentation. It can help the students to take down notes while I’m discussing. For me, it is good to make a slide presentation to make your work faster and easier to handle.